Monday, August 30, 2010

A beautiful weekend

I rarely have a lot of time to kick back and relax during the weekend so this past weekend I decided to set aside some time to 'do nothing'. My quiet time only lasted a few minutes but I enjoyed it all the same. For those few brief minutes things were peaceful and tranquil and I was able to enjoy the sounds of the birds, the breeze and the insects.

It was another productive weekend in the kitchen where I managed to make some yogurt, feta cheese, pitas, spaghetti sauce, potato chips and a zucchini quiche. My meals this week should be easy as a result.

Lately my favorite meal has been pita pizzas ... they are perfect for those times when you are hungry but don't want to wait along time to eat. Simply take a pita or two ... add some tomato sauce, mozzarella and a topping or two and toast them for a few minutes. Absolutely perfect. Now if I could only manage to always have those ingredients available all the time I would be in good shape

On a sad note I must report that I ate my last cucumber this weekend. Of course I used it in my last gazpacho soup for the year .... Mmmmm mmmm good. I'm not sure what meal I'll put in rotation to replace gazpacho soup but with fall approaching a good goat stew might do the trick. I have a pound of stewing goat meat thawing in the fridge that I plan on making tonight.

Who knows, it might just turn out to be my new favourite!

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