Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The 100 Meter Diet Begins ...

Today is the start of my one year journey on the 100 meter diet. On this diet I will only eat foods prepared with ingredients produced on our 4.5 acre property. Since I cannot possibly produce everything I need I will allow myself the following exceptions:

Some spices (salt, pepper, etc)
Baking powder
Sugar or local honey
Multi vitamins

That's it. Everything else I plan to raise, grow or make.

Since we've been away on vacation and just arrived back home last night I am starting my diet slightly unprepared so the meal plan for day one was very simple.

Breakfast was simply 2 plain fried eggs with a glass of goat milk. This was the first full glass of goat milk I've ever had. It was good. It tasted like regular 3.25% cows milk. There was no odour or 'goaty' taste at all. I quite liked it. A very good first step.

Lunch was equally simple. Pickled eggs. That's all I had prepared for day one.

Dinner was a bit more exciting .... egg noodles with a goat cream sauce made with pan fried spinnach and chives. It was decent but not amazing.

I'm making fresh bread tonight so I can add a little more variety to tomorrow's meal plan.

I've mentioned before that one reason for me undertaking this diet is to actually lose weight. By cutting out all the unhealthy 'crappy' foods I eat I hope to shed more than a few pounds. My official starting weight is 196 lbs. I'll post my weight at the start of each month to track my progress.

Day one wasn't so bad. I did miss my coffee though.


  1. I would predict you'll lose a fair amount of weight the first month or 2 as you get used to the new routine and it may slow down after that. Remember you can consult your personal dietitian anytime you have questions or concerns about your nutritional intake!

    I am really interested to hear your feelings and observations (including other people's reactions)as you opt out of prepared consumer products and make everything yourself. This is a more radical idea than you may realize.

  2. Part of this diet was driven by a desire to break away from processed and packaged foods. I'm finding out it's a hard thing to do. Obviously the products are still in our house ... I have to keep reminding myself they aren't for me. Making everything yourself is satisfying but it does take a lot of time. That's the attraction for pre-made food - just pop it in the oven. It saves you time but it isn't adding years to your life ... likely the opposite. I'll have more observations to share in the future but for now I need to focus on becoming comfortable with my new diet.
